Sex, Drugs and Jesus: Helping LGBTQIA+ Women Heal

Sarah Thornhill of Sara Webb Says smiling wryly

Listen in to Sara’s appearance on the podcast Sex, Drugs, and Jesus with the fabulous De’Vannon Seraphino. Lesbian heartbreak resilience coach Sara Webb talks about her southern Baptist roots, the science behind heartbreak, and healing in every way. 

Sara Thornhill of SaraWebbSays and De’Vannon Seraphino speak candidly about compassion for bigotry, what can help you get sober, meditation coaching, meditation techniques, and powerful spiritual practices.

This episode provides deep insights on the topic of healing. Sara brilliantly speaks about her own healing journey, the path to embracing her sexuality, and what she learned along the way.

Heartbreak is commonly understood to be caused by the loss of another in a relationship.  

But Sara brilliantly explains that although she has experienced heartbreak many times in the past, due to divorce and lost relationships, her heartbreak wound started young by abandoning herself. 

Sara reveals the eye-opening revelation that heartbreak can often begin as a type of self-abandonment, explaining that we can break our own hearts by not being authentic to ourselves.

The dark aftermath of heartbreak can be devastating. Both being no stranger to this devastation, Sara and De’Vannon discuss the parallels between heartbreak and grief (the death of a loved one). Heartbreak can feel like you are experiencing the death of a loved one from your life. Sara and De’Vannon discuss the stages of grief, the numbness, the emotional turmoil, and the devastating thoughts that usually accompany such pain, helping listeners relate and feel understood.  

Finding relief during this extremely difficult challenge in life can be daunting.  Luckily, Sara provides some clarity and relief by explaining what is going on with our mind and bodies during heartbreak, and the things we can do to completely heal.  During high stress moments in life, like when we are experiencing heartbreak, our brains revert back to our ancient survival technology of fight, flight, freeze, fawn response. 

Our bodies go into a completely protective state and we are firmly in the grasp of a fear based state. On top of that, the neurochemicals in our body that make us feel good, which we got from our old partner, are completely gone, making us feel like a junkie looking for their next fix, but nowhere to find it.  

This episode discusses the challenges of the LGBTQIA+ community, how they are particularly vulnerable to these challenging situations, like heartbreak trauma. 

They also discuss how members of their community are easily compelled to react in unhealthy manners, due to strongly ingrained fears of survival passed down from our ancestors. This episode highlights the connections between heartbreak, self-abandonment, and becoming your proud authentic self, leaving listeners deeply touched with new realizations on how to heal and live authentically, in the gay/queer community.  

De’Vannon goes into detail about his path to sobriety from alcohol and how it has changed his life, physically mentally, and spiritually.  Sara also speaks candidly about her path to healing, how she got sober from alcohol, moved on from divorce, and found the power to come out as a gay woman through the practice of meditation. She talks about the power of healing heartbreak through meditation, by going within, listening to our inner child, silencing the mind, and focusing on our breathing.  

Incredible insights into the amazing benefits that meditation can bring anyone on the healing path are abundantly clear and easy for listeners. Gifts like deep nuggets of wisdom from the Soul, new powerful insights, life-changing epiphanies, and spiritual empowerment are available to any who are ready and willing to quiet the mind and seek help from a Higher Power. Sara highlights other practical uses of meditation, like healing your relationship attachment style, getting off drugs or other abused substances, and ending the self-sabotage that results from suppressed emotions.  

As a Lesbian Heartbreak Resilience Coach, Sara Thornhill of SaraWebbSays speaks deeply and candidly about how she works with and helps, specifically, lesbian (queer women-loving) women in handling the hardships of heartbreak.  Sara believes that every heartbreak is unique and she elicits hope and self-compassion by working with her clients on a one on one level; giving them personal access to her wisdom, support, and expertise.  If you are looking for help, Sara’s private Facebook community for heartbreak coaching, “Queer Hearts Break Harder,” is a place where you can find healing, self care tips, as well as a myriad free resources upon joining. 

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Prana Tova

Modern life does not lend itself to peace and ease. The inability to stop is the root of anxiety and most health problems. Childhood subconscious programming and trauma at any age cause unhealthy relationship attachments and countless issues later in life that most people don't realize are easily fixable. Uncovering our inner thoughts through the magic of meditation is the first step to freedom from the past.

Sara Thornhill is a Master Meditation Coach, founder of Queer Calm Collective, and visionary behind Prana Tova, an inclusive global healing center advancing collective consciousness through trauma healing.

Prana Tova's mission is to heal trauma using simple introspective practices like breathwork and meditation. Prana Tova coaches combine ancient technologies, such as witness consciousness, with modern, science-backed techniques for intentional subconscious reprogramming, supported by meditation.

She guides clients toward a healthy relationship with the Self by encouraging empowered actions to replace disempowering belief systems that, when left unchecked, cause various emotional struggles.

Certified in NLP, trauma, and relationship attachment, Sara specializes in helping clients uncover their innate ability to heal by addressing the underlying causes of emotional struggles. She empowers individuals with pocket-sized techniques to process stress and improve daily happiness.

Few people know that between the ages of 0 and 7, we are meditating.

Meditation not only offers a gentle path to discovery but is also the simplest and most effective self-healing tool for empowerment from within.

As a rape survivor, two-time divorcée, and someone who came out later in life, Sara understands the transformative potential of navigating major life changes. She passionately believes healing is a birthright and that an expansive life is possible for everyone.

Based in sunny Florida, Sara shares her life with her resplendent wife, brilliant daughter, and four fabulous fur babies.

She travels internationally for workshops and speaking engagements, inspiring others to reclaim their power and embrace a life of calm balance and chosen personal freedom.

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Meditation is Magic